AI Governance Software For

Privacy Officers

As a privacy professional, you’re used to navigating the complex balance between innovation and risk.

FairNow’s AI governance software was built to help you maximize your AI deployments while minimizing your risk.

Fill out the form below for an email with more info on our platform.

Ensure Global Compliance

Track to active regulations and upcoming laws.

Assign Roles & Responsibilities

Centralize and simplify AI risk management across the board.

Automatically Audit For Bias

Make ethically sound and globally compliant AI decisions with confidence.

Run Integration-Free Assessments 

Use synthetic data if your data is incomplete or inconsistent. Run bias audits without an integration team.

AI Governance Software That Scales With Your Team

FairNow’s platform continuously monitors AI models to confirm that each model is fair, compliant, and audit-ready. FairNow equips organizations with all the AI governance tools they need, not only to ensure global compliance, but to assess and manage risk as the organization grows.


Already Ready To Chat Compliance? Us Too!

Have we mentioned that compliance is our love language? FairNow helps CPOs and their teams centralize and simplify their AI governance company-wide. Let us show you why companies depend on us to ensure responsible AI use.

Book a free demo below.