Our Mission

On a mission to simplify AI governance, protecting organizations and individuals by promoting fairness, accountability, and responsible AI.

FairNow’s AI governance platform empowers organizations to build, buy, and deploy AI with complete confidence.

FairNow’s platform continuously monitors AI models to ensure that every model is fair, compliant, and audit-ready. FairNow equips organizations with all the AI governance tools they need to ensure global compliance and manage AI risk as the organization grows.

Our Team

Our mission has brought together a distinguished network of team members and advisors.

Our team is uniquely qualified to support the AI governance needs of our clients with expertise across HR, enterprise tech, info security, and the intricacies of AI itself, including compliance, legal frameworks, and ethical considerations.

Guru Sethupathy Headshot FairNow

Guru Sethupathy,
Founder & CEO

Steve Denton

Steve Denton,

Stephen Jordan

Stephen Jordan,
Lead Data Scientist

Kayla Baum

Kayla Baum,
VP Marketing

Lisa Goldman

Lisa Goldman,
VP Product & Operations

Aaron Lee

Aaron Lee,
Senior Engineer


Learning Collider is a research lab that executes and funds cutting edge research on fairness, through its network of academics and non-profits.

The lab also educates and works with lawmakers to shape policy and regulations on fairness. They work across many spaces including fairness in hiring, housing, lending, and criminal justice. Peter Bergman is the Founder and Director of the Learning Collider.

Learning Collider