Illinois Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act (AIVIA)


Section 1 - Description


Section 2 - Status

Section 1


Employers using AI-enabled video interviewing assessments are subject to the following requirements before asking candidates to submit video interviews:

  • Notify the applicant that AI may be used to analyze the video and consider the applicant’s fitness for the job
  • Explain to the applicant how the AI works and what criteria it is being used to measure
  • Obtain the candidates consent to be evaluated by AI, before the video interview takes place

Employers are prohibited from sharing the videos with anyone except those with the skills and responsibilities to evaluate the candidate for the job.

Candidates have a right to request deletion of their video interview and employers must comply within 30 days.

Lastly, employers who rely solely on an AI analysis of video interviews to determine whether an applicant proceeds in the hiring process must collect race/ethnicity data on applicants and submit a report with pass rate by race/ethnicity to the state’s Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity annually.


Section 2


The bill has passed and is in effect as of January 1st, 2020.

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