Australia’s Voluntary AI Safety Standard

Australia’s Voluntary AI Safety Standard

What is Australia’s Voluntary AI Safety Standard? A Guide to Implementation  Currently Voluntary  Consists Of 10 High-Level Guardrails  Aligned With Other Standards Like The NIST AI RMF & ISO 42001 Table of Contents 2 3 What is Australia's Voluntary AI Safety...
Illinois HB-3773

Illinois HB-3773

What is Illinois HB-3773? A Guide to Illinois HB-3773 Compliance  Effective January 1, 2026  Impacts All Stages Of Employment, Not Just Hiring  Mandatory Disclosures To Candidates And Employees Table of Contents 2 3 What is Illinois HB-3773?A Guide to Illinois...
ISO 42001

ISO 42001

What Is ISO 42001? A Detailed Guide  A Voluntary Standard  Certifiable & Auditable  Industry Agnostic  A Path To Operationalization Table of Contents 2 3 What Is ISO 42001? A Detailed GuideA Voluntary StandardCertifiable & AuditableIndustry AgnosticA Path To...
Colorado SB21-169 on Insurance

Colorado SB21-169 on Insurance

What is the Colorado AI Insurance Law? A Detailed Guide to Colorado’s SB21-169  Some Major Requirements Effective December 1st, 2024  Mandates Development of Governance Programs  Requires Regular Reporting to the Insurance Commissioner  Penalties May Include...
Colorado SB21-169 on Insurance

Colorado Artificial Intelligence Act (SB 205)

What is the Colorado AI Act? A Detailed Guide to SB 205  Effective February 1, 2026  Accountability For AI Outputs  Mandatory Consumer Disclosures  Regular Impact Assessments Table of Contents 2 3 What is the Colorado AI Act? A Detailed Guide to SB 205Effective...