Glossary Categories


Human-in-the-Loop (HITL)

What Is Human-in-the-Loop (HITL)? The Simple Definition A practice that ensures human oversight of an automated system. With human oversight, the observer can pause or adjust the model if the risks it poses are unacceptable. The Technical Definition Of Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) is a framework in artificial intelligence and machine learning where human judgment […]
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Jobs Analysis

We decode the definition of jobs analysis in a straightforward manner. Whether you're new to the concept or seeking a deeper grasp of its technical aspects, you'll find it here.
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A program that has been trained using data to find patterns, make predictions, or generate content.
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Model Governance

A set of practices and procedures to guide how organizations use AI and machine learning models. A good model governance program should cover inventorying all models, understanding their risks, setting guidelines for model development and validation, keeping documentation, and more.
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Model Validation

The process of determining whether a model fits its objectives or not. Model validation will typically focus on how well the model performs but can also consider model robustness, interpretability, and fairness.
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Predictive Model

What Is A Predictive Model? The Simple Definition A type of model that predicts an outcome. For example, a model that evaluates a person’s loan application would look to predict whether the applicant will pay the loan back or not. The Technical Definition Of A Predictive Model A predictive model is a computational construct using […]
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