Get Your AI in Order with Our Easy-To-Use AI Inventory Dashboard

See the big picture and unlock the full potential of your AI investments. Inventory your AI systems at every lifecycle stage.

AI Governance Tools

See Our AI Model Inventory Tools for Yourself

Sit back, relax, and see exactly how many models your organization is running.

See Our AI Model Inventory Tools for Yourself

Sit back, relax, and see exactly how many models your organization is running and where.


The First Step On Your AI Governance Journey: Your AI Inventory

AI Tools For Risk Management

What are the benefits of having an AI inventory?

An AI inventory is crucial for effective AI governance. It is the first step in identifying AI-related risks, it creates accountability, and it helps teams prioritize AI governance efforts based on risk.

Do I need to inventory my AI models?

It is highly recommended, especially within a large organization. When companies do not know when and where their teams are using AI, it exposes them to legal, financial, reputational, and operational risks.

How does FairNow make AI model inventory easier?

Inventorying (yup, that’s a word!) doesn’t have to be painful. Our software speeds up the process by pre-populating common use cases, recommending risk levels, and notifying those with accountability automatically. 

Are there other names for AI inventories?

It depends on who you ask! This tool is also sometimes referred to as AI Adoption Tracking or included in a larger AI Governance framework.

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